Thursday, October 01, 2009


In today's news is a story of Senator John Ensign's use of his position to find a job for the husband of the woman with whom Ensign had an affair. This is just the latest example of what type of people we elect to Congress (and the slime seems to drip down to Governors as well). These people lack any moral fiber and self-interest is their only cause.
P. J. O'Rourke had it dead-on right when he called the government a Parliament of Whores. (But then, P. J. gets most things right.)
In the ongoing fight about health care reform one thing I keep hearing is that the Congressmen are concerned about how this will effect the 2010 elections. They are supposed to be working for the American people, not trying to figure out how to save their own miserable asses. They have a very good health care plan, so wotthehell, I suppose.
I am totally bipartisan in my intense dislike for these scumbags. Although, the Republican party is a little scummier at the moment. Both sides show an amazing ability to distort the truth to further their own aims. And Americans take sides based on these distortions.
I am a big supporter of President Obama, but it is going to be nearly impossible for him to accomplish anything unless he abolishes the legislature. Hey, that worked pretty well for President Fujimori here in Peru. At least until his most trusted confidant, Vladimiro Montesinos brought him down (think Dick Cheney speaking Spanish).

How can we possibly expect the government to really do anything for the people? Things will continue to deteriorate if we keep electing these kinds of people. That's right, the blame really falls on us. How someone like Sarah Palin can even be considered a political player amazes me.

I won't even get into this thing about carrying guns in bars. Alcohol and firearms, what a fine combination.


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